Thursday 19 February 2015

Using the Internet Marketing Paradigm to Create an Effective Marketing Campaign through Internet Channels and Traditional Channels!

You are an e-marketing professional who has been tasked with formulating a marketing plan that integrates all channels of the marketing mix to achieve the business goals.  What can you do to create a synergistic effect in integrating the Internet channel and the traditional channels for increasing customer acquisition, customer conversion, customer retention, and customer value growth? 

There are various ways we could integrate customer acquisition, customer conversion, customer retention and customer value growth, but I will pick a really simple one that will showcase this Internet Marketing Paradigm.

I was recently, but no longer am, involved with a health product that was a daily dietary supplement.  Its name was Kyani and it was sold through two main channels.  One was through the traditional Direct Sales or Multilevel Marketing (MLM) business models.  The other way was through various internet marketing techniques, but the two main methods used were video marketing and social media marketing.  As you most of you probably know, MLM companies work on a down line system.  The leader of our whole down line group did not promote traditional MLM techniques such as marketing for meetings at a hotel conference room or throw a health supplement party at our house.  For more than ten years he has been an internet marketing guru and so we created a whole internet marketing system for anyone to use who joined on his down line (essentially he was helping us make money because when we made money, he made money!).  Here is how the whole paradigm worked.

The main customer acquisition was done in the following way.  His method directly involved social media marketing, specifically facebook, and the ad copy that we would send our friend’s list included a link that directed the potential customer to a landing page that included a video of him talking about how using his system in concert with becoming a Kyani user and seller, one could create a long lasting residual incoming that would only continue to grow.  In order to learn more the potential customer would then have to give their name and email address and consent to receiving emails from us.  We would us that permission to create a bit of brand awareness and eventually get them to agree to a phone call from one of the company’s representatives who would show them the benefits of the health supplement and then the benefits of selling the product.  This was the customer acquisition process.

The customer conversion in this method was done by the representative that called the potential customer who consented to the call.  What was unique about this system was that unlike other MLM companies where a member is solely responsible for acquiring and converting a lead, our leader contracted a company that we paid extra for, that would have a professional salesperson contact the consenting lead and convince them to buy.  They had a higher than average success rate, because most people’s fear of joining an MLM company is that they do not want to have to hard sell someone they way we are hard selling them.  The salesperson lets them know that they themselves are just contracted to sell this health product and business opportunity on behalf of a Kyani member and if this lead decides to join, they would never have to cold call anyone either or hard sell anyone.  They could just depend on the leads they create through social media marketing and the video on the team leaders landing page to do all the work of getting the potential customer to become a lead by putting in their name, email and eventually agreeing to a phone call.  Though it seems like the conversion takes place over the phone, the conversion starts the moment a potential consumer clicks on the link in their social media messaging that they receive from me.  If they go to our leaders landing page, watch his video and put in their name and email in, they are well on their way to being a conversion for us and that is how customer conversion takes place with Kyani and the social media customer acquisition.

Lastly we achieve customer retention by selling them on the amazing and laboratory-confirmed health benefits of our health product.  It must be taken on a daily basis and the best way to take advantage of Kyani is to put the health supplement on an automatic monthly autoship and then help that person build a business with our unique customer acquisition and conversion technique through social media marketing and video on our leader's landing page.  As they continue to use the product and see the benefits to their overall health, combined with sales that are made without them having to hard sell new leads, they will usually remain with the company.  There is also a weekly newsletter that informs the customer of new health benefits that our discovered from the product, any new complimenting products coming out and/or new and improved online marketing techniques to really help the customer improve and grow their own Kyani business.  This how customer retention is achieved.

Growth in customer value is achieved by knowing who to target.  If we just stick with social media marketing we really should know which friends and family on our facebook page or twitter feed that will receive our small marketing message more easily than others.  Also we should always make the message that includes the link to our leaders landing page very relevant and geared specifically to that person and not just use a standard message for everyone.  This helps us gain growth in customer value, by knowing which consumers (in this case friends and family) will react to such an opportunity and product and approach them in a fashion that is most beneficial to them. 

The reality is that if we do first three steps correctly, acquisition, conversion and retention correctly, then the growth in customer value will be much easier to achieve now and into the foreseeable future.

I would love to hear your feedback on this.

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